Hello, I’m celebrating six months as Shel Graves Animal Consulting, Doing Our Best for Animals. Six months in business, woo hoo!
The time has flown by, but I want to celebrate some milestones.
My biggest takeaway–with apologies to all the longtime business owners–is seeing what a creative endeavor business ownership can be. I knew there would be a lot of logistics wrangling, but I didn’t realize how creative–and fun!—this could be. I love exploring the idea of doing our best for animals and how best to serve clients.

I must say, I was more impressed than in past years when I saw “business owner” listed in the voter pamphlet as a qualification for public service. There is a lot to it. Whew!
I have felt some nostalgia for my former workplaces and co-workers. I am grateful to DogBiz Thrive! and The Academy for Dog Trainers for their support and community. I am grateful for Compassion Consortium and my animal chaplain colleagues for their community and deep connection. Fellow adventurers!
My clients have been fantastic. I am so grateful for their dedication to the animals in their lives. Not unexpectedly, most of my clients have been looking for help with dogs. I’ve worked with dogs of all stages of life and of all sizes. I’ve seen fearful rescue dogs develop confidence and helped family dogs be more safe.
Cats can also benefit from being trained and entertained. I’ve helped some amazing cat families and would love to work with more cats.
I’ve very much appreciated my animal chaplaincy clients who have shown such remarkable care and feeling for other species and the special bonds they have with the animals in their life. I love when people ask how they can do their best for the animals in their life and consider the animal’s emotional and spiritual needs. What does the animal need at this time? It’s a beautiful question which sparks a touching and fruitful conversation.
I appreciate all of your support and referrals! Thank you!
I’ve had enough questions about Shel Graves Animal Consulting that I’ve now added a Frequently Asked Questions page to my website.

Highlights from the last six months:
Launching the business! Whew!
Becoming a Fear Free Speaker and Coach
Being featured in The Herald for an article about animal chaplaincy
Giving a blessing for the animals at Everett Animal Shelter’s new sensory garden
Giving a presentation at Everett Public Library
Connecting with other positive reinforcement trainers (what a supportive community)
Working with fantastic clients and so many smart (and super cute) animals
My full camera roll of darling animals
Posting some useful, and a lot of just cute, videos of my pups
Your referrals –thank you so much!
Your support – I seriously get a boost whenever you click “like” on a Facebook or Instagram post or visit one of my webpages. Thank you!
I really love being able to generate ideas and follow through with them and see what works. Not every plan has panned out, but I’ve got a lot of fun things in the works and I’m sure there will be more highlights to report by the end of year one.
I’d love to:
Help more animals with cooperative care training. Here's my cooperative care page for dogs. Here's my page for cats. Farmed animal, too!
Work with more species – more cats, farmed animals --and humans!
Continue to grow my animal chaplaincy services and offer animal blessings
Thank you for doing your best for animals with me!